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Welcome to Voice Messages Audio

Voice Messages is the newest addition to God's Work Ministry. We have selected 15 
messages which are a collection of stories, poems and ministering messages that 
have been used as part of our E-mail Encouragement Ministry. We have made them available 
in audio format so that you may hear the messages instead of reading them. Please 
feel free to hear all of the messages and tell your friends so that they may be blessed 
by hearing the messages as well.

Voice Messages Volume One includes:

The Cookie Thief 
The Lonely Ember
He Doesn't Remember
God Is Watching Out For You
God Forgives You
Make Me Like Joe
Not Home Yet
Unanswered Letters
Where Do You Live?
Wait Three Days
I Refuse To Be Discouraged
Say A Prayer
The Richest Man
A Man Named Kimball
The Obstacle In Our Path

Simply double click on a message and it will start. After that 
message finishes the next one will play automatically.


We hope that Voice Messages will be a great blessing to all who hear them.

God bless you,

Dwayne Savaya
God's Work Ministry