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Tammy's Testimony



Hi, My name is Tammy Sutton. I am 29 and last year I had an experience which 
changed my life completely. I was suicidal and depressed, although I never 
tried suicide, I thought about it. I never realized how precious life was 
until April 25, 1999, I was rushed to the hospital with what I thought was a 
migraine headache, it was bad and I had severe vomiting and I was in so much 
pain, I felt like I was dying. 

Well after going to the ER they did a C.A.T. Scan and it revealed a bleeding
in my brain...At that time, I realized just how fast our lives can change, I 
was scared and they said I could die, I was transferred to Cleveland Clinic and 
while there, I had an MRI and it revealed an aneurysm in my brain....that is 
what was bleeding, and my life changed in an instant. I asked for the Elders 
from my church to come and give me a healing blessing prayer, and while they 
were praying, I felt our Heavenly Father touching my soul and my head felt warm, 
and I knew I was going to make it, But what I didn't know was that I was 
completely healed. I went in for the Drs. to coil off the aneurysm, and they 
could not find it, I than had dye shot through the brain and there was no bleeding
nor was there an aneurysm. It was gone. 

The Drs were amazed and they told me to stay religious, because they had never 
witnessed such a healing before, I been o.k. now and I have now changed my life, 
I attend church actively now, I am a teacher and I love it, I teach the gospel to 
3 year olds and I also visit the members of the church who are sick or elderly. 
My Heavenly Father granted me a second chance, and I am so thankful, I can't 
thank God enough for the second chance...But I know now, that Our lives belong 
to GOD, not us and we should never wish Our lives cut short, because we may get 
that, but without a second chance. Know that we can talk to our Heavenly Father 
at anytime, He is there and he loves us no matter what we do. He loves us and 
forgives us and He will take care of us if we pray with a sincere heart and 
try to do the best we can with our lives. 

I feel I must share this with you all. It is true, and I leave this testimony 
with you all in name of JESUS CHRIST, Amen



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