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J.R. Downey's Testimony



When I was very young I went forward in church and
gave my life to Christ. Like I said, I was very young
and I had no idea what I was doing. I guess I did it
because I thought that is what people wanted me to do.

I went several years as a fake. If anyone asked me I
would say I was, but you could not tell it by looking
at me. December 28, 1999 I was in a very bad car
wreck. I was in the hospital for two weeks. It was a
miracle that I was still alive (For pictures of my car
e-mail me at jrdowney2002@yahoo.com and I would be
glad to show you how God gave me life.) For the next
couple of months I really began to realize I was not a
Christian. I was hard to admit to myself. Even
harder than to admit to every one else. 

Track season came along and I was really into track. It 
just so happened that a church camp was scheduled on the 
same night as the big meet. I tried to tell my coach and
he said that I needed to go to all of them or none. I
said I was sorry but I had to do what God wanted me to
do. That night I felt good that I did that but then I
realized I was not a Christian and did it all in vain
and that night I asked Jesus to take complete control
of my life and forgive me of my sins. 

A couple days later I went to a revival and my preacher 
was talking about being baptized after you became a 
Christian not before. (I was baptized when I went forward 
at a young age). I really felt led to go forward but I 
did not. I talked to him afterward and the next night I
went forward and made my public profession of faith.

Every since, I have been growing as a Christian in so many
ways. I have been on a mission trip and spoke at 3 
churches. I give God all the credit for using me the
way He has. All I can say is giving my life to Christ
is the best thing I have ever done. And knowing that
God can use anyone, no matter what their background is. 

Thank you for reading my testimony and I hope God spoke to 
you through it.

God Bless You 
J.R. Downey


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